
The Biggest Baby Shower Ever!

Check out the photos from the Big City Moms Biggest Baby Shower in November 2011.
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profile picture of Sarah Yang
Updated March 2, 2017
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Image: Sarah Merians / The Bump
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Image: Sarah Merians / The Bump

Big City Moms Biggest Baby Shower

Carley giving tips to moms-to-be.

Image: Sarah Merians / The Bump

Big City Moms Biggest Baby Shower

Carley Roney, Dave Briggs, host of Fox & Friends Weekend and Leslie Venokur, co-founder of Big City Moms.

Image: Sarah Merians / The Bump

Big City Moms Biggest Baby Shower

Carley and a mom-to-be at the baby shower.

Image: Sarah Merians / The Bump

Big City Moms Biggest Baby Shower

Dave Briggs of Fox & Friends Weekend interviewing a daddy-to-be.

Image: Sarah Merians / The Bump

Big City Moms Biggest Baby Shower

The stroller test track.

Image: Sarah Merians / The Bump

Big City Moms Biggest Baby Shower

The Daddy Lounge.

Image: Sarah Merians / The Bump

Big City Moms Biggest Baby Shower

Attendees at the shower.

Image: Sarah Merians / The Bump

Big City Moms Biggest Baby Shower

The event space was all decked out for the party.

Image: Sarah Merians / The Bump

Big City Moms Biggest Baby Shower

More cute decor.

Image: Sarah Merians / The Bump

Big City Moms Biggest Baby Shower

_The Bump _magazines at the event.

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