Other Origin(s):Cambodian, Hebrew, Vietnamese
Meaning:God will increase, may He add; Answer, continuation; Crystal, glass, jewel; Sweet acacia; Glue
For the glue that ties your whole world together, Keo is an option sure to stick in your mind. Versatile in its gender-neutrality, Keo’s roots grow throughout Hawaiian, Hebrew, Cambodian, and Vietnamese, making it a true name of the world. In Hawaiian, Keo is a form of Hebrew Joe, meaning “God will increase” or “may He add.” Keo could also stem from a Hawaiian word meaning “answer” or “continuation,” elevating the name’s vibes of abundance. As a Cambodian title, Keo comes from a Khmer word meaning “jewel,” “crystal,” or “glass,” for your one-in-a-million gem. Keo’s Vietnamese origin links it to a species of sweet acacia. The Vietnamese name for this plant is Cây Keo Bạc, where Keo translates to “glue.” A blend of faith, the Earth, and the life that flourishes on it, Keo is universal in its charm.

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