US Popularity:12272
Meaning:Elegant world; Unceasing; Vigorous; Brave; Plain of the yew trees
Mayo is a gender-neutral name with meanings just as bountiful as baby’s possibilities. In Japanese, the name Mayo combines the elements ma and yo to create a graceful meaning of “elegant world.” In Spanish and German, it’s a diminutive of the name Amalia, meaning “unceasing,” “vigorous,” or “brave,” giving baby powerful purpose. Parents who take pride in their Irish roots may be inspired by Mayo, a charming county in the west of Ireland known for its beautiful sights, ancient architecture, and bustling town life, which offers up the meaning “plain of the yew trees.” No matter where Mayo takes your tiny tot, may it forever remind them that home is where your heart is.
Mayo Name Popularity Data
Yearly Ranking Change:
in 2005
No change
from 2003
Behind the Name, Mayo (1), January 2017
Behind the Name, Mayo (3), April 2021
Behind the Name, Amalia, December 2022
Irish History, Co. Mayo
100,000+ Baby Names by Bruce Lansky, pg. 473
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