
24 Weeks Pregnant

16 Weeks to Go!
Baby is as big as a cantaloupe

Key Takeaways at 24 Weeks Pregnant

  • You’ve probably gained about 15 pounds or so at this point. Remember, you're building a human being, and you have a heavy placenta and extra blood volume—so every pound is important! If you’ve gained a lot more (or less) than that, talk to your doctor.
  • Next test on the docket: The glucose screening. You’ll drink a super-sweet drink and have your blood sugar measured one hour later. If your blood sugar is high, you’ll need to move on to the three-hour test.
  • That bump is really showing (and you’re probably loving your maternity leggings!). Your fundal height at this point is probably between 22 and 26 cm (from the top of your uterus to your pubic-bone area)—give or take.

Your week 24 baby is working on being ready to survive (and thrive!) in the outside world. You, on the other hand, are probably experiencing some aches and pains (think: leg cramps, backaches and swollen feet). Hang in there, mama-to-be!

Video Highlights at 24 Weeks

Watch Week 24 Highlights

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Baby at Week 24

Wondering what it’d be like to get a look at baby at 24 weeks in the womb? Your 24-week-old fetus is growing fast, and though their wrinkly skin is still a bit see-through, they’re quickly putting on baby fat, looking cuter and cuter each day. Their eyelashes, eyebrows and head of hair are still filling out, but the hair itself has yet to develop any pigment. Baby’s startle reflex has developed now too, so you might find that loud noises make baby jump!

Want a fun new party trick? Ask your partner or a friend to put their ear to your belly—they might just be able to hear baby’s heartbeat!

24 weeks development

How big is baby at 24 weeks?

Wondering about the size of baby at 24 weeks? Baby is now about the size of a cantaloupe. Your approximately 12-inch 24-week-old fetus now weighs around 1.3 pounds.

24 weeks pregnant is how many months?

Now that you’re 24 weeks pregnant, you’re six months along. That said, remember that doctors track pregnancy in weeks. Once you look at 24 weeks in months, it’s no wonder you’re tired. Those six-month symptoms are no joke!

24 week ultrasound

Inside your 24 weeks pregnant belly, baby is making some serious progress. It isn’t just about anatomical stuff; it’s about looks, too. Your 24-week fetus’s skin is gradually becoming more opaque, and it’s taking on a fresh, pink glow, thanks to the small capillaries that have recently formed.

Drink up! Around 24 weeks pregnant, your doctor will order a Glucose Challenge Screening Test—one of the more memorable prenatal tests—to see if you’re at risk for gestational diabetes. The test is designed to see how your body processes sugar, so you’ll be asked to drink a sweet liquid called Glucola (which reminds us of Gatorade) and then hang out for an hour. Once the hour is up, you’ll have your blood drawn and then it will be tested to see how your body has processed the sugar.

If your doctor finds abnormal results, you may have to have a follow-up test called the glucose tolerance test. Hunker down in the waiting room for this one! It will measure how your body processes sugar over a three-hour period to see if you really do have gestational diabetes. If you do, it’s not the end of the world. Your doctor will counsel you on how to keep your condition in check so the rest of your pregnancy stays healthy. And you and baby might get extra monitoring—meaning, extra ultrasounds. Look on the bright side: At least you’ll get to peek at baby more often!

Are babies fully developed at 24 weeks?

Not quite yet. While baby looks like a newborn already, a 24-week fetus still has a good amount of fat to gain, and their little lungs aren’t fully developed yet. Baby is growing taste buds and has fingerprints and footprints already (!), but their brain is still developing and growing. Baby is getting closer and closer to being ready to meet you, but they still have some important work to do in that 24 week baby bump of yours.


Pregnancy Symptoms at Week 24

Your (pretty annoying) 24 week pregnant symptoms probably sound a little bit like this:

Swollen ankles and feet

If your tootsies are puffy, elevate them while you're sitting. Getting up and walking often can help, too. A little bit of swelling is totally to be expected, but sudden or severe swelling, especially in your face or hands, or swelling that is uneven (in one leg and not the other) aren’t run-of-the-mill. In fact, those are signs of preeclampsia, a dangerous pregnancy complication, so tell your OB if you’re experiencing any swelling that seems out of the ordinary.

Leg cramps

Tight, achy or “jumpy” legs can be a sign of dehydration, so check that you’re drinking plenty of water. Stretch your legs often and take lots of walks. Let your doctor know you’re getting leg cramps; they’re probably not an issue, but occasionally cramps can be a sign of another problem, such as a nutritional deficiency, so it’s worth keeping an eye on.


Yep, you’re still experiencing back pain—and it might even be getting worse. That’s because as baby gets larger, so does your uterus (of course), and your uterus presses against your spine, making it more curved and strained. Plus, your back muscles have to work harder to carry the extra weight. Tell your doctor about any severe pain (aka sciatica).

Linea nigra

That's the dark line that runs up the center of your belly. Influenced by pregnancy hormones, the linea nigra should fade within a few weeks to months after giving birth.

Stretch marks

These “tiger stripes” may continue to appear as your skin stretches even more. If you’re 24 weeks pregnant with twins, you’re probably more likely to get them. SPE

Your Pregnant Belly at 24 Weeks

At 24 weeks pregnant, you’ve probably been feeling baby kicking for at least a few weeks, but now they’re getting stronger and stronger. In fact, your partner or others who touch your belly might start to feel those kicks through your 24 week baby bump soon too.

Recommended 24 weeks pregnant weight gain is about 14 to 16 pounds for moms-to-be of normal BMI. If you’ve gained a bit more than that, don’t worry—it’s drastic or sudden weight gain that’s cause for concern—but for the healthiest pregnancy possible, you’ll want to find ways to keep your weight gain under control.

Did you know 24 is a magic number for twin moms? It’s recommended that women who are 24 weeks pregnant with twins have gained 24 pounds by now. In fact, if you have, you’ve actually reduced your risk of preterm labor.

What position is baby in at 24 weeks?

Usually, at 24 weeks pregnant, baby is still small enough that they may change position frequently. They may be upright, transverse or positioned sideways, which can be a bit less comfortable. You may be able to tell which position baby is in based on where the kicks and punches are coming from.

Around this time or a little after, you may start to actually feel pregnant. Yes, you’ll feel your baby move, which is exhilarating. However, you may also notice swelling start to occur, difficulty sleeping, heartburn, round ligament pain and some discomforts of pregnancy. It’s part of it, but ask your ob-gyn for some tips to make your life better!

MD, an ob-gyn at the Winnie Palmer Hospital for Women & Babies in Orlando, Florida

Tips for 24 Weeks Pregnant

Here are some good-for-you actions to take this week.

Get your squeezes in

Exercise is important before having a baby, and that includes working your pelvic floor. Kegel exercises get your vaginal muscles and perineal muscles ready to deliver that baby and can reduce the likelihood of tearing. So squeeze, mama!

Follow doctor’s orders

If your glucose test shows that you have gestational diabetes, try not to fret and just follow your doctor’s instructions regarding diet, exercise and other methods of managing it.

Look out for relaxin

You might be amused by your newfound flexibility with all that relaxin in your system, but be careful not to overstretch your loose joints and ligaments. Just take it easy when you’re stretching so you don’t hurt yourself accidentally.

Eat thoughtfully

Now that you (hopefully!) don’t feel nauseous anymore, you might be more hungry. Just be thoughtful about what you’re eating and when, so you don’t make heartburn worse. Eat small meals more often to keep indigestion at bay.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there an alternative option to the glucose screening test?

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends a glucose screening test between weeks 24 to 28 to screen for gestational diabetes. Unfortunately, this involves drinking a super-syrupy 50-gram glucose beverage in a short amount of time. For some, this can prove less than appealing—and even downright nauseating. While some studies have suggested the use of jelly beans or Twizzlers, the results are mixed. That said, if you’ve previously had gestational diabetes, your doctor might recommend you skip straight to testing your blood sugar with a glucometer, if you can’t handle the drink.

I keep waking up on my back–is that okay?

You’re right that you should try to avoid sleeping on your back. Not only does this position put pressure on your spine and back muscles, it could also restrict blood flow to the fetus. For the safest option, sleep on your side, placing a pillow underneath your stomach or between your bent knees.

Why are my breasts leaky already?

Although it might seem odd, this development is a sign your body’s in working order: your breasts are gearing up to feed baby. Weeks or months before your due date, it’s normal to produce colostrum (the first form of milk you’ll make).

What causes leg cramps during pregnancy in week 24?

Leg cramps happen for a variety of reasons. For starters, you’re carrying around extra weight during pregnancy, which can put pressure on your nerves, blood vessels and leg muscles. Another possibility is your body reacting to changes in how it is processing calcium or the buildup of certain acids (like lactic and pyruvic acid) that can make muscles involuntarily contract causing cramps. Dehydration is also a potential culprit.

When should I worry about dizziness during pregnancy?

Dizziness is normal during the first trimester, and can be caused by factors like hormonal changes, morning sickness, iron deficiency and dehydration. Often, fixes can be as simple as drinking more water, standing up slowly, taking iron supplements or getting the rest you need. That said, if you’re feeling dizzy during your second or third trimesters (or pass out or faint during any stage of your pregnancy), make an appointment with your medical provider. To be safe, you’ll want to rule out serious issues, like preeclampsia, pulmonary embolisms (blood clots blocking the arteries leading to the lungs) or peripartum cardiomyopathy (a heart muscle disease).

Even thinking about the syrupy orange glucose drink makes me feel woozy. I managed to chug it down for the one-hour screening. But when I needed the three-hour test, I couldn't do it. Let's just say: Orange projectile all over the walls of the medical lab. I ended up just testing my sugar regularly with a glucometer.

Lauren B., mom of 3

Pregnancy Checklist at Week 24

Reminders for the week:

Please note: The Bump and the materials and information it contains are not intended to, and do not constitute, medical or other health advice or diagnosis and should not be used as such. You should always consult with a qualified physician or health professional about your specific circumstances.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Weight Gain During Pregnancy, June 2022

Mayo Clinic, Pregnancy Week by Week: Pregnancy Weight Gain: What’s Healthy?, February 2022

Mount Sinai, Glucose Screening Tests During Pregnancy

Johns Hopkins Medicine, The Second Trimester

Cleveland Clinic, Fundal Height, January 2022

Mayo Clinic, Pregnancy Week by Week: What Causes Leg Cramps During Pregnancy, and Can They be Prevented?, April 2023

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Back Pain During Pregnancy, December 2021

American Pregnancy Association, Swelling During Pregnancy

Mayo Clinic, Pregnancy Week by Week: Fetal Development: The 2nd Trimester, June 2022

National Library of Medicine, Embryology, Hair, May 2023

American Pregnancy Association, Second Trimester: Fetal Development

American Pregnancy Association, 24 Weeks Pregnant

Cleveland Clinic, Oral Glucose Tolerance Test During Pregnancy, November 2022

Cleveland Clinic, Gestational Diabetes, November 2022

National Library of Medicine, Embryology, Pulmonary, August 2023

Cleveland Clinic, Fetal Development, March 2023

National Library of Medicine, Embryology, Tongue, August 2023

Cerebral Cortex, Complex Trajectories of Brain Development in the Healthy Human Fetus, November 2017

University of Pennsylvania Health System, Swelling During Pregnancy

Cleveland Clinic, Linea Nigra, July 2022

American Pregnancy Association, Pregnancy Stretch Marks

Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, Incidence and Risk Factors for Striae Gravidarum, October 2015

Cleveland Clinic, Quickening in Pregnancy, April 2022

Journal of the Royal Society Interface, Stresses and Strains on the Human Fetal Skeleton During Development, January 2018

American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Maternal Weight Gain and Pregnancy Outcomes in Twin Gestation, November 2021

Kaiser Permanente, Your pregnancy: weeks 21 to 24

American Pregnancy Association, Kegel Exercises

Cleveland Clinic, Relaxin, October 2022

Cleveland Clinic, Morning Sickness, April 2023

Cleveland Clinic, Pregnancy: Second Trimester, November 2021

University of Pennsylvania Health System, How to Prevent and Treat Heartburn During Pregnancy

Ob-G Project, Updated ACOG Guidance on Gestational Diabetes

Diabetes Care, Twizzlers as a Cost-Effective and Equivalent Alternative to the Glucola Beverage in Diabetes Screening, September 2013

Mayo Clinic, Women’s Wellness: Sleep tips during pregnancy

NHS, Leaking From Your Nipples

American Heart Association, Dizziness During Pregnancy

Cleveland Clinic, [Fetal Development]( )

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