
9 Weeks Pregnant

31 Weeks to Go!
Baby is as big as a cherry
Updated May 31, 2024
Fact Checked by Shannon Simcox

Key Takeaways at 9 Weeks Pregnant

  • You’re 9 weeks in, and the end of the first trimester is within sight. That’s good news—especially if you're experiencing morning sickness. Pregnancy hormones are peaking in your system, so you might have a bad bout for a bit longer, but it should get better as you approach the second trimester.
  • Baby has doubled in size since conception and your uterus is expanding. That said, you may quite suddenly not fit into your normal jeans. While your bump is probably only detectable to you at this point, it’s only a matter of time before you truly pop.
  • Have you had that exciting first prenatal visit yet? If not, it should be happening soon. It’s a busy appointment, so buffer extra time in your schedule for bloodwork and maybe even an early ultrasound (get ready to swoon over the flickering of baby’s heartbeat on screen).

Around week 9 of pregnancy, you might want to start looking for ways you and your partner can budget so you have extra cash when baby arrives. You should also consider checking out your company’s handbook to see how maternity leave is typically handled. That way, when you break the news to your boss, you’ll be prepared to discuss your expectations—and begin a potential maternity leave plan.

Video Highlights at 9 Weeks

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Baby at Week 9

Inside your week 9 pregnant belly, baby’s working on that cuteness, developing more distinct facial features. And baby might now have a strong enough heartbeat to be picked up by a fetal doppler.

9 weeks pregnant

How big is baby at 9 weeks?

Baby is the size of a cherry at 9 weeks pregnant. Your 9-week fetus measures between .5 and 1.67 inches and weighs about .07 ounces, and their growth is picking up steam! Surprised by the size of baby at 9 weeks? Just wait.

What does baby look like at 9 weeks?

Now that baby’s nearly an inch long, they definitely look like a miniature baby! Baby has ear lobes now, clear fingers and toes and a little nubbin of a nose. This is the final week of baby’s embryo status, and with that comes a head that’s a bit more rounded and straightened up. Baby has lost their tail and is starting to move freely around the amniotic sac, wiggling around their cozy home. Their knee, elbow, shoulder, ankle and wrist joints are all working, and their arms are now bent at the elbow—ideal for working out all those little muscles that are forming! They might even take on a sweet new habit this week–sucking their thumb!

9 weeks pregnant is how many months?

Doctors generally track pregnancy by week, not month—but if you’re dying to know how many months pregnant you are, at 9 weeks you’re two months pregnant, now entering your third month of pregnancy. Just a few more weeks to go in the first trimester!

9 week ultrasound

The first prenatal appointment typically happens between weeks 8 and 12. So by now, you may have visited the OB—if not, you will soon! At that first appointment you may even see baby’s tiny heartbeat on the ultrasound. Exciting stuff, huh?

A 9 weeks pregnant, ultrasounds are typically done transvaginally. That means the doctor or ultrasound technician will have to insert a probe into your vagina, since your uterus still sits behind your pelvic bone. (Don’t worry—it doesn’t hurt!) The probe will emit sound waves, which will allow you to see an image of your 9-week fetus on a screen.

Not only will you catch a glimpse of baby—who will resemble a lima bean—but the 9 weeks pregnant ultrasound will also confirm that the pregnancy is uterine (which means there are no signs of ectopic or tubal pregnancy at 9 weeks). The doctor may point out the gestational sac, the yolk sac and the fetal pole.

At 9 weeks pregnant, miscarriage risk is on a lot of women’s minds. Rest assured that once you’ve seen or heard a heartbeat, the risk dips to 2 to 9 percent, depending on your age, and will continue to lower in the coming weeks.

Other prenatal tests you can expect around 9 weeks pregnant may include blood work to test for hormone levels, blood type, white and red blood cell counts and certain STDs. You may also have a pap smear to check for abnormalities (which can be signs of cervical cancer), and a urine test to screen for UTIs and check that the protein levels seem healthy. All that poking and prodding will totally be worth it when you’re holding your newborn baby. All in good time!


Pregnancy Symptoms at Week 9

Right now, the pregnancy hormone hCG is circulating through your body at its peak level. That means at 9 weeks, some pregnancy symptoms may be at their most severe. Hang in there—you’re just weeks away from those hormones leveling out a bit, leaving you feeling a lot more like yourself. Here’s what 9 weeks pregnant symptoms you may be experiencing:

Mood swings

Because those hormones just keep raging, and also because other symptoms—such as nausea and fatigue—are bothering you, you may find your emotions more difficult to control. It’s okay to slow your usual pace, to take breaks (to nap, to meditate or just to veg out and binge-watch Netflix) and to avoid stressful situations for the sake of your sanity.

Morning sickness

Up to 80 percent of pregnant women experience some form of morning sickness. It really should be called all-day sickness, though! If you’re suffering from nausea, you might just be feeling a little ill, or you may be vomiting regularly. If you are 9 weeks pregnant with twins, you may find yourself with more severe morning sickness symptoms. The good and bad news is that at 9 weeks, morning sickness is likely at its worst. Do some trial and error to see what makes you feel better—many moms-to-be find that ginger, frequent meals and snacks, and vitamin B6 help ease nausea. You’re suffering now, but this too shall pass. You can get through this!

Frequent urination

Because your uterus is expanding and because there’s major blood flow to your pelvic area, you may be heading to the bathroom more often than you did pre-pregnancy. Don’t let that stop you from drinking lots of water. It’s important that you stay hydrated. Just put more pit stops onto your mental to-do list.


While your hormones are working overtime to grow and develop your 9-week fetus, you might be feeling totally zapped. Sleep more, if you can, and expect to need to eat more (healthy) snacks; most pregnant women can’t tolerate skipping meals, even if they did it all the time before pregnancy. In the second trimester, you’ll get some of your energy back.

Nasal congestion

Surprise! Pregnancy can cause higher mucus production in the body—an unexpected symptom—so you might need to keep tissues handy.


Thanks again, hormones! Those surges can give you headaches—and so can dehydration, caffeine withdrawal, hunger, lack of sleep and stress. Deal by treating your other symptoms, eating at least every few hours, getting plenty of sleep and drinking lots of water. A warm or cold compress can ease a headache and so can rest. Before you take any medication, clear it with your doctor. Many say acetaminophen (Tylenol) is okay but naproxen and ibuprofen (Advil and Motrin) aren’t. It will depend on your health history and any other medications you may be taking.

Can you be 9 weeks pregnant with no symptoms?

Believe it or not, it is entirely possible to reach 9 weeks pregnant, no symptoms in sight. If you are one of the lucky few to escape pregnancy symptoms so far, keep in mind that they could still show up. Regardless, if you don’t have 9 weeks pregnant symptoms, let your doctor know when you have your first prenatal appointment. Chances are, if you never had symptoms and still don’t, you’re just lucky!

Your Pregnant Belly at 9 Weeks

Many moms-to-be find themselves struggling to button their jeans at 9 weeks pregnant. Your uterus is expanding to accommodate your growing fetus. In fact, it has doubled in size! You may even be showing a bit at 9 weeks. Your uterus will begin to grow out of your pelvis in the coming weeks.

Weight gain at 9 weeks isn’t just okay—it’s recommended. How much weight your doctor recommends you put on during pregnancy will depend on your pre-pregnancy body mass index (BMI). For example, if you started out with a normal BMI, you will likely be told to put on a total of 25 to 35 pounds total during pregnancy—and about one to five pounds of that should happen in the first trimester. If you’re 9 weeks pregnant with twins, you should aim to put on about a pound per week right now.

That said, so many moms-to-be are so riddled with morning sickness and food aversions when they’re 9 weeks pregnant that they might not be gaining weight—they may be losing it! Naturally, you’ll want to talk to your OB about any concerns you have with your weight gain or loss, and definitely let them know if it’s sudden or drastic. But most doctors will tell you that minor weight loss is okay at this stage of the game. Once you begin getting your appetite back, you’ll have an opportunity to get your weight gain back on track.

There are also pregnant women who get nausea so severe that they need more intense medical treatment. Nausea and vomiting is common during pregnancy, but women often under-report their symptoms to their doctor. There are several OTC and prescription medications that are safe in pregnancy and can help control your symptoms, so tell your OB what you’re experiencing and you can decide together what treatments are best.

Some moms-to-be suffer from hyperemesis gravidarum (HG), which is diagnosed when a pregnant woman is so sick that she’s dangerously dehydrated. If you can’t seem to keep any liquids down, are losing a significant amount of weight or if you’ve fainted, you should tell your doctor, who will do an evaluation to see if you have HG. The good news is that there are treatments for HG. You may need an IV to replenish your fluids, and you and your doctor may choose to try a prescription anti-nausea medication to help stop the vomiting.

What to expect at 9 weeks pregnant with twins

If you have had hefty 9 weeks pregnant symptoms, you might be surprised to learn at your 9 week ultrasound that you’re having twins! This can be a bit of a shock, so be gentle with yourself as you absorb the information. You might feel elated or terrified to be 9 weeks pregnant with twins, but you’ll get used to the idea. Talk to your doctor about what to expect with twins and what you might need to do differently.

You might be experiencing a level of exhaustion you weren't prepared for so early on in your pregnancy. But you’re growing a human, and that is a lot of work! Your body is essentially working over-time, so it’s important that you prioritize rest as much as possible, which might look like going to bed early or taking a midday nap, if that’s an option. Try to use it as an opportunity to get quality rest now while you’re able!

CEO and certified sleep specialist at My Sweet Sleeper

Tips for 9 Weeks Pregnant

You might not be feeling on top of the world right now, but you can prioritize your health and happiness by taking a few proactive steps.

Prevent heartburn

The hormone progesterone is coursing through your body right now, which relaxes the uterine muscles to fit your growing baby. It also happens to relax the valve between your esophagus and stomach—and that can introduce one of the most common and long-lasting pregnancy symptoms: heartburn. Stop heartburn before it starts by eating smaller meals throughout the day (which, bonus, can help with nausea too), avoiding big meals at night and avoiding spicy and greasy foods altogether. If you still can’t kick it, ask your doctor about taking an antacid, which could provide you with calcium. Win-win!

Switch to stretchy fabrics

At that awkward point where your regular jeans are too tight, but that gorgeous maternity dress still looks like a tent on your 9 week baby bump? Say hello to forgiving, stretchy fabrics. Now’s the time to break out all your leggings, joggers and dresses without a clearly defined waist. Elastic waists are about to be your best friend, and (for now) you’ll still be able to get away with your regular stretchy clothes.

When in doubt, hydrate

Drinking more water will help solve a multitude of pregnancy problems, from bloating to headaches and constipation. Drink eight full glasses of clear, non-caffeinated fluids per day to stay hydrated and prevent all kinds of pregnancy-based discomfort.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it normal to have headaches in early pregnancy?

Headaches in early pregnancy are very common. Normal and expected pregnancy symptoms such as extra fatigue, stress, dehydration, hormonal fluctuations and sinus pressure from congestion are most likely the root cause. Drinking water and resting in a cool, quiet, dark place can help relieve your headache. You can also try applying a cold pack to the back of your head or a warm or cool compress to your forehead. If you need extra support, talk to your doctor about taking pain relievers like acetaminophen.

Why am I so congested?

Congestion in early pregnancy is a common symptom. Pregnancy hormones cause nasal passageways to thicken, which can lead to some restriction and congestion you may be experiencing. On top of that, blood volume also increases during this time–this can be another contributor to swelling of the small nasal vessels.

Can I use my own doppler to hear baby's heartbeat this early in pregnancy?

At 9 weeks gestation, it may be possible to hear baby’s heartbeat with an at-home doppler–but don’t be surprised if nothing comes up. At this point, baby is still nestled deep in the pelvis, and finding the heartbeat with a doppler can be challenging. It might even cause increased anxiety. This is why experts recommend waiting until your 14- or 16-week appointment to hear baby’s heartbeat when an experienced prenatal team member can use a medical-grade doppler.

Do I get my first ultrasound during week 9?

Yes! Week 9 is a very common time for a first ultrasound. Most parents-to-be come in for their first scan anywhere between 6.5 and 12 weeks.

What genetic screenings are right for me?

If you have a family history of inheritable diseases, syndromes or disorders, two genetic screenings are typically recommended in early pregnancy–the cell-free DNA test (cfDNA or NIPT) and carrier screening. Cell-free DNA test. By 10 weeks, small pieces of baby’s DNA can be found circulating in the mother’s blood. This DNA is collected through a blood draw and tested for abnormalities such as sickle cell disease, spinal muscle atrophy, fragile X, cystic fibrosis, down syndrome, trisomies, triploidy and other genetic anomalies. Carrier screening. This screening analyzes genetics through a simple blood test. Results can tell you the probability of baby adopting certain autosomal recessive disorders.

After two previous first trimester losses, we were terrified of losing our third pregnancy. We didn't get a pregnancy journal, and didn't announce until well into the second trimester. If I could do it over again, I'd let myself be more excited early on—fear is strong, but the love we have for our children is stronger!

Kathy S., mom of two

Please note: The Bump and the materials and information it contains are not intended to, and do not constitute, medical or other health advice or diagnosis and should not be used as such. You should always consult with a qualified physician or health professional about your specific circumstances.


Vanessa Garcia, CNM, WHNP, IBCLC, is a nurse-midwife at Millie with 20 years of experience. She received her certified nurse midwife and women’s health nurse practitioner degrees at the University of California San Francisco.

Rachel Willey, CNM, WHNP, RN, is a nurse-midwife at Millie, located in the Bay Area. Willey received their bachelor's degree at New York University and got their master’s in nurse-midwifery at the University of California San Francisco.

Cynthia Banks, CNM, MSN, RN, is a nurse-midwife at Millie with 20 years of experience catching over 1,200 babies. She received her master’s degree in nursing and midwifery from the Yale University School of Nursing.

Alex Juusela, MD, MPH, FACOG, is an ob-gyn and maternal-fetal medicine fellow at the National Institutes of Health Perinatology Research at Wayne State University. He received his medical degree from St. George's University School of Medicine and has been in practice for over 10 years.

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), How Much Weight Should I Gain During Pregnancy?, August 2021

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), How Much Water Should I Drink During Pregnancy?, October 2020

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), Routine Tests During Pregnancy, August 2023

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), Weight Gain During Pregnancy, January 2013

American Pregnancy Association, 9 Weeks Pregnant

American Pregnancy Association, Fatigue During Pregnancy

American Pregnancy Association, Multiples Pregnancy: Twins, Triplets and More

American Pregnancy Association, Prenatal Tests

American Pregnancy Association, Uterus Size During Pregnancy

American Pregnancy Association, Your First Prenatal Visit,

Cleveland Clinic, [Fetal Development}(,,) March 2023

Cleveland Clinic, Food Aversion, May 2022

Cleveland Clinic, Pregnancy and Bladder Control, August 2023

Cleveland Clinic, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, March 2022 March of Dimes, Common Discomforts of Pregnancy, March 2022

March of Dimes, Morning Sickness, September 2020

Mayo Clinic, Symptoms of Pregnancy: What Happens First?, December 2021

Oncotarget, Progesterone Inhibits Contraction and Increases Trek-1 Potassium Channel Expression in Late Pregnant Rat Uterus, January 2018

Kaiser-Permanente, Your Pregnancy: Weeks 9 to 12

Penn Medicine Lancaster Health General, Why Prenatal Urine Tests Are Important

Planned Parenthood, What Happens in the Third Month of Pregnancy?

Texas Children’s Hospital, Changes During Pregnancy: What’s Normal and What’s Not?

Ultrasonography, Role Of Ultrasound In The Evaluation Of First-Trimester Pregnancies In The Acute Setting, April 2020

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