
7 Weeks Pregnant

33 Weeks to Go!
Baby is as big as a blueberry
Updated May 31, 2024
Fact Checked by Shannon Simcox

Key Takeaways at 7 Weeks Pregnant

  • Feeling nauseous? Exhausted? Moody? It’s all par for the course. Pregnancy hormones abound; they’re responsible for the less-than-fabulous symptoms you’re experiencing. Don’t worry, many of these unpleasantries taper down after the first trimester.
  • Get ready for your first prenatal visit! (It’ll probably take place in another week or so.) This will be an extensive and educational visit. You may get a transvaginal ultrasound (or you might have to wait). At this point, you can usually see baby’s heartbeat.
  • Baby is hard at work developing. This week, they're working on those facial features (which they’ll eventually use to scowl at you)—even that little tongue is forming! (Get ready for raspberries!).

Now that you’re 7 weeks pregnant, you’re going about your day knowing you’re expecting—but no one else can see it. And at week 7 of pregnancy, you’re probably wondering what things will be like once it’s obvious to everyone that you’ve got a baby growing in there. For now, enjoy your little secret. For updates on what’s happening with you and baby throughout your pregnancy, sign up for The Bump pregnancy week-by-week newsletter emails.

Video Highlights at 7 Weeks

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Baby at Week 7

How amazing is this: Your 7-week embryo is generating about 100 new brain cells each minute! And not only is baby’s brain becoming more complex, but their heart is too. In fact, by this point, every essential organ has started to form. The heart, brain, vascular system and intestines are all growing steadily and becoming more complex every single day. Also important: Baby is developing a permanent set of kidneys, and arm and leg joints are now forming as well.

How big is baby at 7 weeks?

At 7 weeks pregnant, baby is the size of a blueberry. Your embryo measures between .25 and 1 inch, having doubled in size since last week. They don’t exactly tip the scales just yet, but they’re developing like crazy inside your 7-week pregnant belly.

What does baby look like at 7 weeks?

Baby at 7 weeks is beginning to look more and more like, well, a baby, with arms and lower leg buds appearing and starting to look a little less paddle-like with webbed hands and feet, which will eventually transform into individual fingers. And to take it one step further, baby’s elbow and knee joints are also starting to come together this week. Baby is developing recognizable facial features like ears, nostrils, a mouth and a tongue which are all becoming more defined. Eyelids and eye lenses are also forming—and, while they can’t see just yet, their tiny retinas are starting to form and prepare for an entire lifetime of seeing the beautiful world around them.

7 weeks pregnant is how many months?

Seven weeks pregnant means you’re one month and about three weeks pregnant, but keep in mind that doctors generally refer to pregnancy by week, not month.

7 week ultrasound

At 7 weeks pregnant, you’re gearing up for your first prenatal visit with your OB, and you’re probably dying to know what to expect. Brace yourself to give a variety of samples (blood, urine and cervical cells for a pap smear), get an ultrasound that will confirm baby’s doing okay in there, and get an estimated due date (yep, you might already have one, but the doctor may adjust it a bit based on what they see).

A 7-week ultrasound isn’t common, since many OBs don’t see their low-risk pregnancy patients until sometime between weeks 8 and 10—it depends on your health history and your doctor’s preference.

With all the waiting, your mind may be full of curiosity. You might even be wondering whether you could be expecting more than one baby. There are symptoms of twin pregnancy at 7 weeks besides seeing two gestational sacs on an ultrasound. For example, if you had a blood test to determine your pregnancy, your doctor would have found a higher level of the pregnancy hormone hCG in your blood. Some twin moms have earlier and/or more severe morning sickness (due to the hCG), and of course, moms of multiples may start to show earlier.

Can you see baby on an ultrasound at 7 weeks? Yep, you can see a 7 week embryo on an ultrasound, and the sensors can often even detect a heartbeat at this point. However, because detecting a heartbeat this early isn’t a guarantee, most doctors wait until at least the 8th week of pregnancy for an ultrasound. That said, if you do have a 7-week ultrasound, be aware that it’s likely to be a transvaginal ultrasound, using a wand-shaped probe inserted into your vagina. (This can be surprising if you don’t know it’s standard practice!) This type of ultrasound is more accurate early on and may detect a heartbeat at 7 weeks.


Pregnancy Symptoms at Week 7

Being 7 weeks pregnant can cause a whole range of symptoms. Some are no biggie and some can make it difficult to get through your day. These are a few of the most widespread:


Morning sickness may be going strong at week 7 of pregnancy. Hang in there, and try to find ways to cope. Some moms-to-be have success easing their tummy troubles with ginger, Vitamin B6 and acupressure wristbands. When your hormones become more normal in the second trimester, the nausea should decrease or even disappear. Moms-to-be who are 7 weeks pregnant with twins may be more likely to have nausea and vomiting, since they likely have heightened levels of the hormones that cause morning sickness.

Food cravings and/or aversions

You may find yourself with the urge to eat specific or even weird foods—or not wanting to go anywhere near certain foods you used to think were fine (or even delicious!). Food aversions are nature’s way of keeping you away from potentially dangerous foods and typically go hand-in-hand with morning sickness. It's okay to give in to your cravings and indulge here and there. But try not to go too crazy, and make healthy food choices when you can.

Frequent urination

If it seems like you have the urge to pee constantly, it’s not your imagination. Even though you probably don’t look pregnant yet, your uterus is rapidly growing in size, and you also have increased blood flow to your pelvis.


Breakouts are due to hormonal changes in your body. Before you use any acne-fighting products, check with your doctor to make sure they’re safe to use during pregnancy.

Extra saliva

Here’s a symptom you never expected! The excess saliva is probably also hormonally triggered and could be related to nausea too.

Mood swings

Not only are your hormones out of whack, but you're probably still getting used to the idea of being pregnant, and that can make you become extra emotional.

Cramping and/or spotting

Cramping in early pregnancy is normal. After all, there’s a lot happening inside your uterus, and even though it will be several weeks before you feel baby move, you can certainly feel plenty of cramping and pulling at this point in your pregnancy. Also, your cervix may be more sensitive now that you’re pregnant, so spotting at 7 weeks could happen after sex. These two pregnancy symptoms can be alarming, but know that in most cases, they’re not a sign of ectopic pregnancy or other types of miscarriage. If you were to have abdominal pain worse than typical menstrual cramps or bleeding during pregnancy at 7 weeks that’s heavier than a period, that could be a cause of worry, and you should call your doctor right away.

That said, at 7 weeks pregnant, you may very well have no symptoms at all. If that’s the case, consider yourself lucky! Some moms-to-be worry that having no symptoms at 7 weeks could be a sign of a problem, but it’s absolutely not. We’ll keep reminding you that every woman experiences pregnancy slightly differently. If you have any concerns, definitely bring them up to your OB, but unless your symptoms at 7 weeks pregnant are severe or painful, it’s all likely normal.

How you might feel at 7 weeks pregnant

Regardless of whether you’re experiencing no pregnancy symptoms, or every single 7 weeks pregnant symptom on the list, you’re probably feeling a bit out of sorts. Even if you’re as excited as you could possibly be, adjusting to the idea of a pregnancy, and the lifetime of parenthood that comes with it, can be a lot. It’s okay if you feel overwhelmed or frightened, and it’s okay if you also just feel kind of blah. You have plenty of time to adjust.

Your Pregnant Belly at 7 Weeks

Caught yourself staring at your 7 weeks pregnant belly in the mirror—and even pushing it out to fake a baby bump, just to get a preview? Yeah, we did that during week 7 too.

Every mom-to-be is different, but many report starting to “show” in the middle of the second trimester when the uterus outgrows the pelvis. Moms-to-be who are 7 weeks pregnant with twins should expect to show earlier than that, but at this point, it’s nothing but bloating for everyone.

Some cravings can indicate a nutritional need (burger cravings can be a sign you need more protein or iron; pickle cravings can be a sign you need more salt). Other times, cravings may be related to blood-sugar swings, fond memories of certain foods—like your mom's best mac 'n' cheese—or something else entirely, such as nausea or food aversions. Try not to overthink it too much!

RDN, CDE, registered dietitian, nutritionist and certified diabetes educator

Tips for 7 Weeks Pregnant

Here’s what you can do for yourself and baby this week:

Keep moving

Getting exercise is important for your health overall, but it can also help resolve other pregnancy symptoms. Thirty minutes of exercise per day can help boost your energy when fatigue is taking over. Just don’t start anything intense without checking in with your doctor.

Look out for weird cravings

If you find that you’re craving nonfood items like dirt or clay, talk to your doctor about a condition called pica, which is a compulsion to eat items that aren’t food and don’t have any nutritional value. Your doctor will probably test your iron and zinc levels to check for vitamin deficiency.

Be gentle with your skin

Your skin might be acting up right now, but this isn’t the time to introduce new, intense skincare regimens. Make sure you wash your skin twice daily with a gentle cleanser to combat acne and use a gentle moisturizer to combat flakiness. If you’re experiencing chloasma (dark patches on your face), use SPF 30+ regularly and wear a hat whenever you go outside.

Frequently Asked Questions

What can help with early pregnancy fatigue?

If you’re experiencing early pregnancy fatigue, it’s extremely important to listen to your body. Along with getting eight hours of sleep each night and taking afternoon naps, it’s also helpful to go on short walks, drink enough water and eat small frequent meals throughout the day. If you need a quick pick-me-up, try lifting your legs above your heart level while lying down or seated to get your blood flowing.

Is acne normal in early pregnancy?

Acne in early pregnancy is very common. Pregnancy hormones cause your body to produce excessive oil, which can lead to the blemishes you see. But everyone is different. While some women deal with problematic skin and increased acne, others might get that desired, plump pregnancy glow.

Should I be bleeding during pregnancy at 7 weeks?

Bleeding at 7 weeks is something that needs to be addressed with your provider. While spotting is not uncommon in early pregnancy, you should always discuss any signs of bleeding with your OB since this can also indicate a potential concern.

How common is miscarriage at 7 weeks pregnant?

Most miscarriages happen within the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Early pregnancy loss is common and occurs in about 10 percent of all clinically recognized pregnancies. If you’re concerned, speak with your doctor—and know that you’re not alone.

Why is vitamin d during early pregnancy so important?

Getting enough vitamin D during pregnancy helps reduce adverse pregnancy symptoms such as aches and pains and extreme fatigue. Studies also show that vitamin D deficiency may increase the risk of miscarriage.

I knew about the most common pregnancy symptoms, but then there were the weird, unexpected ones. My nose gained superpowers. I could literally smell anything from a mile away.

Laura T., mom of three

Please note: The Bump and the materials and information it contains are not intended to, and do not constitute, medical or other health advice or diagnosis and should not be used as such. You should always consult with a qualified physician or health professional about your specific circumstances.


Amy Novatt, MD, FACOG, is an ob-gyn in Rhinebeck, New York, affiliated with Northern Dutchess Hospital. She received her medical degree from New York Medical College and has been in practice for more than 20 years.

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American Pregnancy Association, Pregnancy Symptoms

American Pregnancy Association, Uterus Size During Pregnancy

American Pregnancy Association, Your First Pregnancy Visit

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Mayo Clinic, Fetal Development: The 1st Trimester, June 2022

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