
5 Weeks Pregnant

35 Weeks to Go!
Baby is as big as an appleseed
Updated May 31, 2024
Fact Checked by Shannon Simcox

Key Takeaways at 5 Weeks Pregnant

  • Missed your period? If you’ve diligently been charting your cycle, you’ve probably taken a test and gotten the good news. Congrats!
  • You may also feel pregnant. Symptoms like morning sickness, exhaustion, bloating and sore breasts tend to kick in around this time as hCG is now ever present in your system.
  • You might be able to hear the baby's heartbeat at 5 weeks, but it could take more time. Many doctors and midwives won’t schedule your first prenatal visit for another couple of weeks.

You’ve just been initiated to the pregnancy club! Week 5 is a common time for moms-to-be to find out they’re pregnant. That’s because by now you’ve probably realized you’ve missed your period and then thought, whoa—maybe I should take a test! Plus, at 5 weeks pregnant, heightened hormone levels may be giving you symptoms that are tough to ignore, like sore breasts, nausea and fatigue. For updates on what’s happening with you and baby throughout your pregnancy, sign up for The Bump pregnancy week-by-week newsletter emails.

Video Highlights at 5 Weeks

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Baby at Week 5

A lot is happening in fetal development during week 5. The blastocyst, the layer of cells that will become the embryo, produces increasing levels of hCG. This hormone tells your ovaries that it’s time to stop releasing eggs and to focus on making more estrogen and progesterone to support your pregnancy. It’ll also support the growth of the placenta, which will help to nourish baby during your pregnancy.

The forming embryo is made up of three layers in the fifth week. The top layer—which is called the ectoderm—will form baby’s outer layer of skin, central and peripheral nervous systems, eyes and inner ears. The middle layer (the mesoderm) will form baby’s heart and a primitive circulatory system. It also makes up the foundation for baby’s bones, ligaments, kidneys and most of the reproductive system. Finally, the endoderm is where baby’s lungs and intestines will develop.

Suffice it to say, your week-5 budding embryo doesn't look like much more than a tadpole right now, but they’re already starting to form major organs (heart, stomach, liver and kidneys) and systems (digestive, circulatory and nervous).

5 week embryo

How big is baby at 5 weeks?

At 5 weeks pregnant, baby is the size of an apple seed. Yep, your embryo is now measurable—though at week five of pregnancy, it's a wee 0.12 inches from crown to rump (aka head to bum)—and baby's gearing up for much more growth. In fact, in the next week they’ll almost double in size. Grow, baby, grow!

5 weeks pregnant is how many months?

At 5 weeks pregnant, you're entering your second month of pregnancy. Remember, most doctors start counting pregnancy from the first day of your last period. While many people think of pregnancy as lasting 9 months, it’s really 40 weeks long. If you’re counting four weeks to a month, that adds up to 10 months! Of course, some months have five weeks. That’s why many doctors avoid tracking pregnancy by month and refer to your progress simply by week.

5 week ultrasound

If you don’t have a medical history that puts you at higher risk for pregnancy complications, you won’t likely have a 5 weeks pregnant ultrasound. Instead, you’ll just have to wait impatiently until your first prenatal visit, around week 8 or 9. We feel your pain!

When you do have your first ultrasound, the doctor or technician will measure baby from crown to rump and could adjust your due date based on baby’s size (which would change which week of pregnancy you’re in). You’ll have a slew of blood tests and urine tests to be sure you and baby are both doing fine. So while you’re totally amped up to see baby’s tiny fluttering heartbeat on the ultrasound screen, remind yourself you can wait a few weeks for the blood draws and peeing in a cup.

Is there a heartbeat at 5 weeks?

A heartbeat may be detectable between 5 and a half weeks and 6 weeks, but not always. That’s why, unless you have preexisting conditions or fertility concerns, most doctors wait until at least 8 weeks for your first ultrasound.


Pregnancy Symptoms at Week 5

The pregnancy symptoms you feel at 5 weeks are just the beginning of the slew of changes your body is about to go through. No need to dread the entire pregnancy based on what’s happening right now: Many moms-to-be say the first trimester is the toughest, so think of it as getting the rough stuff out of the way early. In the meantime, take care of yourself and get plenty of rest, eat right and figure out ways to help yourself feel better. If you’re wondering what to expect at 5 weeks pregnant, here’s what’s most common:

Sore breasts

Morning sickness gets all the attention, but aching breasts may actually be the most common symptom at 5 weeks pregnant.

Morning sickness

This bad boy is so inaccurately named. Nausea in early pregnancy can happen at any time of the day, not just morning. And unfortunately, some pregnant moms feel queasy pretty much all day. In fact, if you’re 5 weeks pregnant with twins, you may be more likely to have severe morning sickness. Experiment with different strategies to find what helps you deal with the queasies best. Eating small, frequent meals is one good one. You might also try Vitamin B6, ginger capsules, special nausea-reducing lozenges or lollipops and acupressure wristbands.


At 5 weeks pregnant, it’s normal to want to nap in the middle of a board meeting, a dinner date, a… well, pretty much any time. You’re zapped from making a baby and there’s not much you can do about it except get some extra rest, do some light exercise and eat every few hours.

Frequent urination

You might notice yourself having the urge to pee more often early in pregnancy. This symptom at 5 weeks pregnant is in part because your kidneys are actually expanding. (Whoa!)


Around 4 or 5 weeks, cramping could be a sign the embryo has implanted nicely into the lining of your uterus. Or it could be a sign your uterus is expanding and stretching your ligaments. If you’re feeling cramping at 5 weeks pregnant that’s severe or painful, call your doctor and get checked out to make sure it’s not a sign of a problem.


When you’re 5 weeks pregnant, spotting can seem scary, but a little blood on your underwear could also be a sign of implantation. You might also spot a bit after sex, since your cervix is more sensitive now that you’re pregnant. This is totally normal, but if you’re having something that’s less like spotting and more like bleeding at 5 weeks pregnant—or really, if you’re concerned at all—call the doctor.

Some moms-to-be who are 5 weeks pregnant feel no symptoms at all. Or it might feel like, at 5 weeks pregnant, symptoms come and go. And all of that is totally okay! Just because you’re not feeling sick or sore doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with the pregnancy. It just means you’re lucky!

What you might feel like at 5 weeks pregnant

The experience at 5 weeks pregnant can vary a lot from person to person, so it might be best not to expect anything specific, but to prepare for everything. If nothing else, you’re likely to feel more tired than usual, and your body is probably just starting to feel a little wonky, but hopefully you’re not in the thick of it quite yet. If your symptoms are severe, there’s never any harm in calling your doctor to check in (and possibly check for multiples!).

Your Pregnant Belly at 5 Weeks

At 5 weeks pregnant, your belly may look unchanged—or you may be a bit bloated or feel like you’ve already gained a pound. Heck, you might feel so sick that you can’t eat and worry you could have lost a pound. All those scenarios are considered perfectly normal and totally okay! All pregnant women are different and how their bodies change throughout pregnancy varies widely.

You’re probably starting to wonder a bit about overall pregnancy weight gain. The short answer is: You don’t need to worry too much about it yet. Doctors only recommend gaining a few pounds (1 to 5 to be exact) during the first trimester (which ends after week 13), and that will probably happen without you thinking too much about it.

The long answer is that you will need to gain weight during your pregnancy.

Your doctor will discuss personalized weight gain recommendations with you, since they vary based on body type. Here’s what the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends:

If you’re underweight (BMI under 18.5): Your recommended total pregnancy weight gain is 28 to 40 pounds.
In the second and third trimesters, aim to gain about a pound (1 to 1.3 pounds to be exact) per week.

If you’re of normal weight (BMI of 18.5 to 24.9):

  • Your recommended total pregnancy weight gain is 25 to 35 pounds.
  • In the second and third trimesters, aim to gain about a pound or a little less (0.8 to 1 pound to be exact) per week.

If you’re overweight (BMI of 25 to 29.9):

  • Your recommended total pregnancy weight gain is 15 to 25 pounds.
  • In the second and third trimesters, aim to gain a little over a half pound (0.5 to 0.7 pound to be exact) per week.

If you’re obese (BMI of 30 and above):

  • Your recommended total pregnancy weight gain is 11 to 20 pounds.
  • In the second and third trimesters, aim to gain about a half pound (0.4 to 0.6 pound to be exact) per week.

If you’re 5 weeks pregnant with twins (and starting at a normal BMI):

  • Your recommended total pregnancy weight gain is 37 to 54 pounds.
  • In the first trimester, you should aim to gain about 4 to 6 pounds. During the second and third trimester, you can expect to gain about 1.5 pounds per week, according to the American Pregnancy Association (APA).

Wondering if you could be 5 weeks pregnant with twins? If you were, you probably wouldn’t know it yet, though as we mentioned above, some twin moms swear they had worse morning sickness. They also may gain weight more rapidly and “start to show” earlier than women having one baby would.

Five weeks pregnant is a good time to ask your partner for a massage. You might not have a big bump, but at five weeks pregnant, your body is working fast and furiously to grow baby, so you deserve a little TLC, right?

Should I see a doctor at 5 weeks pregnant?

Unless you have any reason to believe there’s a problem with your pregnancy, there’s no real reason to see your doctor quite yet. The first prenatal appointment often takes place around week 8 or 9. But while you may need to wait a little bit longer to have your pregnancy officially confirmed, now is the time to call and schedule that first visit and ultrasound. If you have any concerns, share them when you call so you can get in to see your doctor when you need to.

Most OB providers will see you around 8 to 10 weeks of gestation, unless you’re particularly high risk. But don’t call at 8 weeks expecting to get in the next day; do your homework early and make sure the office takes your insurance, delivers at the hospital you like and check out with friends about their philosophies.

MD, ob-gyn and medical director of Be. Women’s Health & Wellness

Tips for 5 Weeks Pregnant

You’re at the very start of this long and exciting journey. Here’s what to keep in mind as you get your footing.

Skip certain foods

Now that you know you’re pregnant, there are certain foods you’ll have to put aside. As annoying as it is, some foods pose a safety concern for you and baby. Until your child is born, hold off on alcohol, raw dough and batter, raw or undercooked meat, hot dogs and cold cuts, paté and other refrigerated meat spreads, raw and undercooked seafood and eggs (including eggs with runny yolks and cured fish like lox), fish known for having high mercury levels, unwashed fruits and veggies, raw bean sprouts and any cheese, milk or juice that’s unpasteurized.

Break your coffee habit

The effects of too much caffeine on baby are unknown, so it’s smart to cut back on your habit. As exhausted as you probably are right now, limit yourself to less than 200 milligrams of caffeine per day—or about two small cups of coffee or less. If you’re a tea drinker, the same general rules apply.

Avoid smoke

If you’re a smoker, stop smoking right away as it’s harmful to baby. If you are around people who smoke frequently, ask them to stay a significant distance away when they smoke so you’re not inhaling secondhand smoke (and so the smell of the smoke doesn’t make you nauseous!).

Pass on the litter box

You are officially off the hook for cleaning the litter box, as there’s the potential for contracting an infection called toxoplasmosis, which could harm baby. Oh darn. Enjoy passing this unpleasant task (that could make you heave anyway) off to someone else! It’s a good idea to avoid uncovered sandboxes and gardening without gloves too, since outdoor cats often use garden beds and sandboxes as their own personal toilets.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it normal to not have any pregnancy symptoms at 5 weeks?

Every person and every pregnancy is different, and what you experience can be very different from what friends and family may tell you. While you may start to feel pregnancy symptoms like breast tenderness and nausea at five weeks, it’s also common to feel like your usual self. The only symptom you may have at this point that could tip you off is a lack of a period!

What foods should I avoid eating during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, it’s recommended that you avoid certain foods to lower your risk of foodborne illnesses. Certain foods can contain bacteria and parasites that cause food poisoning, giving you symptoms like diarrhea and vomiting. These can be dangerous for pregnant women. Moreover, you're at an increased risk for illness since your immune system is suppressed. It’s generally advised that you stay away from raw meat and fish, seafood that’s high in mercury, unwashed veggies and fruit, raw dough and batter, deli meats and prepared foods, unpasteurized cheese and juices and alcoholic beverages. Experts also suggest limiting your caffeine intake to 200 milligrams a day.

How early can you hear a fetal heartbeat?

Every pregnancy is different and every baby develops at their own pace. Baby’s cardiac tissue, which will form the heart, starts to develop within the first eight weeks of pregnancy. You can usually start to see visible cardiac activity on an ultrasound around the six-week mark, although the actual heart chambers and valves aren’t done developing until about 11 weeks of pregnancy. While you should be able to see baby’s heartbeat at the end of seven weeks, you may not be able to hear it.

When can you find out if you're pregnant with twins?

During your first prenatal visit, healthcare providers will typically do an ultrasound to get a look at how your pregnancy is developing. During the ultrasound, they can get a peek at what’s happening inside your belly. If you’re having twins, your provider should be able to see two babies. The timing on this varies, but may be between six to nine weeks.

When will my first prenatal appointment be?

The timing of your first prenatal appointment will vary by provider. Most won’t see pregnant patients until at least the six-week mark—and some will wait longer. If you have no pelvic pain or risk factors for ectopic pregnancy, your doctor may wait until you’re eight weeks along to see you to make sure your baby’s heart has had time to develop.

The exhaustion in early pregnancy was like nothing I'd never experienced before. There was no such thing as too much sleep. It was one thing with my first pregnancy—I'd come home from work and immediately go to bed. But with the second and third pregnancies? Thank goodness for my support system—and screen time!

Lauren B., mom of three


Please note: The Bump and the materials and information it contains are not intended to, and do not constitute, medical or other health advice or diagnosis and should not be used as such. You should always consult with a qualified physician or health professional about your specific circumstances.


Matthew Carroll, MD, is an ob-gyn and assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Baylor College of Medicine. He earned his medical degree from the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York.

Christine Greves, MD, is an ob-gyn at the Winnie Palmer Hospital for Women and Babies in Orlando, Florida. She earned her medical degree from the University Of South Florida College Of Medicine.

How Your Fetus Grows During Pregnancy, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), January 2024

Cleveland Clinic, Blastocyst, April 2022.

Mayo Clinic, Pregnancy Week by Week, June 2022

Advances in Kidney Disease and Health, Renal Physiology of Pregnancy, May 2013

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, How Long Does Pregnancy Last?, October 2020

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Weight Gain During Pregnancy, January 2013

American Pregnancy Association, 5 Weeks Pregnant

American Pregnancy Association, 8 Weeks Pregnant

American Pregnancy Association, Baby Development Month by Month

American Pregnancy Association, Foods to Avoid During Pregnancy

American Pregnancy Association, Pregnancy Weight Gain

American Pregnancy Association, Weight Gain with Twins

American Pregnancy Association, Your First Prenatal Visit

Birth, Does a Twin Pregnancy Have a Greater Impact on Physical and Emotional Well-Being than a Singleton Pregnancy?,September 1995

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Pregnant? Don’t Smoke!, February 2020

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Toxoplasmosis: Pregnancy FAQs, December 2022

Cleveland Clinic, Fetal Development, March 2023

Cleveland Clinic, Round Ligament Pain, July 2021

Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, Massage Therapy Reduces Pain in Pregnant Women, Alleviates Prenatal Depression in Both Parents and Improves their Relationships, April 2008

Johns Hopkins Medicine, First Trimester Fatigue

Kaiser Permanente, Vitamin B6 for Morning Sickness, July 2023

March of Dimes, Bleeding and Spotting From the Vagina During Pregnancy, April 2020

March of Dimes, Morning Sickness, September 2020

Mayo Clinic, 1st Trimester Pregnancy: What to Expect, March 2022

Mayo Clinic, [Fetal Development: The 1st Trimester]](,,) June 2022

Mayo Clinic, Pregnancy Nutrition: Foods to Avoid During Pregnancy, May 2023

Mayo Clinic, Symptoms of Pregnancy, December 2021

Mayo Clinic, Twin Pregnancy: What Twins or Multiples Mean for Mom, January 2022

Pregnancy Birth & Baby (Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care), Pregnancy at Week 6, August 2020

Ultrasonography, Role of Ultrasound in the Evaluation of First-trimester Pregnancies in the Acute Setting, October 2019

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