US Popularity:415
Meaning:Beautiful; Lovely; Free person; Beautiful voice
Callie is a girl's name of Greek origin, most likely from the name Callisto, meaning “beautiful, lovely.” In Greek mythology, Callisto was a nymph and a maiden of Artemis, who attracted the attention of Zeus. Long story short, Callisto eventually became the constellation Ursa Major among the stars. Callie most likely comes from this name due to its shared meaning; however, some consider it a nickname for titles such as Caroline, meaning "free person," and Calliope, meaning "beautiful voice." A name that emanates beauty and elegant simplicity, baby will always know they are beautiful with a title like Callie.
Callie Name Popularity Data
The Bump Ranking
Overall:Callie is currently #364 on The Bump
Girl:Callie is currently #262 on The Bump Girl Names
U.S. Births
Overall:Callie is currently #415 in U.S. births
Girl:Callie is currently #179 in U.S. births
Yearly Ranking Change:
in 2023
+ 8
from 2022
WordSense, Callie
WordSense, Caroline
Online Etymology Dictionary, Callisto, August 2023
Merriam-Webster, Callisto, noun
Online Etymology Dictionary, caroline, October 2017
Ancestry, Carl Family History
WordSense, Καλλιόπη
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