Chinese Gender Predictor

Image: Trendsetter Images /
profile picture of Carrie Anton
Updated November 19, 2020

The Bump Chinese Gender Chart, also referred to as a Chinese Gender Calendar or a Chinese Birth Chart, is a fun way to predict the sex of baby. Try out the Chinese Gender Predictor, then explore The Bump to learn more about baby’s development and ways to prepare for your little one’s arrival.

History of the Chinese Gender Chart

After finding out you’re pregnant, the next exciting milestone is finding out if baby is a boy or a girl. Genetic testing or an ultrasound can give you ultra-official results—but there are many old wives’ tales out there that offer just-for-fun ways to predict baby’s sex, like examining your pregnancy cravings (sweets for girls, salty and sour for boys), analyzing your baby bump position (high for girls, low for boys) or swinging a ring on a string above your belly (back and forth for girls, around in circles for boys). None of these methods provide real insight with any amount of accuracy, but there is one option some mamas believe carries more weight than other old wives’ tales: the Chinese Gender Predictor.

Is it an ancient Chinese secret? When it comes to guessing baby gender, supposedly so. The Chinese Gender Predictor is said to have been based on I Ching, or the “Book of Changes,” and relies upon the Five Elements, Yin and Yang and the Eight Trigrams.

One legend says the more than 300-year-old Chinese Gender Chart was relied on by the Qing Dynasty imperial family for the gender selection of sons, who were favored for the work and money they could provide their families as well as for carrying on the family lineage. Another tale says the Chinese Gender Predictor was found stored in an ancient royal tomb. But with a bit more digging, testimony from contemporary experts and our own fact-finding Chinese Gender Chart mission, we couldn’t find hard evidence to back either history.

How Accurate Is the Chinese Gender Predictor?

With origins as questionable as they are, it’s hard to rate the Chinese Gender Chart accuracy with any confidence beyond a standard 50/50 prediction. Some say the Chinese Gender Predictor is 90 percent accurate, but the research and related math don’t quite validate those stats. In fact, the few who’ve done a deeper dive studying the Chinese Gender Predictor have shown the accuracy to be as low five percent and as high as 55 percent, which makes it about as reliable as a coin toss.

How Does the Chinese Gender Chart Work?

Still curious to see what the Chinese Gender Predictor says is in the stars for your baby-to-be? Even if Eastern medicine and philosophies are completely foreign to you, the easy-to-use Chinese Gender Chart just might give a nod to whether you should start stocking up on pink or blue.

  1. Enter the month of conception.
  2. Enter your age at conception.
  3. Click "Predict Baby's Gender."

With the data plugged in, variables in a Lunar calendar are calculated behind the scenes in seconds, leading you to your answer of whether you’re expecting a baby girl or boy. Give it a try!

Chinese Gender Chart-2023

Chinese Gender Chart Reviews

Those 50-50 odds not imbuing you with confidence? Here’s what other moms-to-be had to say about their luck with using the Chinese Gender Predictor during their own pregnancies.

• "It was wrong for me. NBD, though - my baby girl is cool AF." - Amanda J.

• "I used it and it was right both times (two girls).” - Lauren W., mom of two

•"One was right, one was wrong." - Lisa H., mom of two

• "Did not work for me. Every single prediction said we were going to have a boy for our third child, but we were blessed with another girl." - Jennie T., mom of three

• "I didn't use it (and didn't find out gender before birth), but I just checked it and it was right. I know it's a 50/50 chance but I was still impressed." - Julianne C.

• "It didn’t work for me! It said I was having a girl, and we’re having a boy." - Gabby W.

• "Used it for fun while I was pregnant both times. First was right, second was wrong (x2…twins!)." - Jen G., mom of three

• "It was correct for me!" - Sarah B.

Bottom line, if gender accuracy is what you seek, check in with your doctor. But to have a bit of fortune-telling type fun, check the Chinese Gender Chart.