
15 Weeks Pregnant

25 Weeks to Go!
Baby is as big as a navel orange

Key Takeaways at 15 Weeks Pregnant

  • You’re hopefully in the “honeymoon” phase of pregnancy—meaning most unpleasant symptoms have faded and you’re feeling less tired and more human.
  • Depending on your pre-pregnancy weight, you probably need about 300 extra calories per day. So, yes, you’re eating for two-ish—with some restrain.
  • If this is your first pregnancy, you may have a tiny visible bump. If it’s a subsequent pregnancy, you may be showing off a bigger belly already.
  • The Multiple Marker Screen (MMS, a.k.a. Triple or Quad Screen Test) may be happening between now and week 20. These give a risk assessment for certain neural tube defects and chromosomal abnormalities.

Feeling sexy? Now that you’re 15 weeks pregnant, you’re probably feeling high energy, and that may mean high libido, too. Don’t worry, baby has no idea what’s going on and—as long as your OB hasn’t given you any activity restrictions—sex won’t hurt baby or threaten your pregnancy.

Video Highlights at 15 Weeks

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Baby at 15 Weeks

You probably can't feel it yet, but a 15 weeks pregnant ultrasound would reveal that baby's squirming a ton in there, now that they’re able to move all their limbs and joints. They may even be sucking their thumb or cracking some smiles (squeal!). Baby’s eyes will stay fused shut for several months, but they can now sense light. (How cool is that?)

There’s a lot happening with baby’s organ development during week 15 too. Some organs and body parts are starting to move into their rightful place in or on baby’s body, like its ears (which are beginning to hear) and intestines. Baby’s lungs are also beginning to develop at week 15, but they’ll still be safely breathing in amniotic fluid until birth. As their lungs develop, baby might even be hiccupping inside your 15 weeks pregnant belly (but, again, you probably won’t feel it yet).

15 weeks pregnant

How big is baby at 15 weeks?

At 15 weeks pregnant, baby is as big as a navel orange. The average 15-week fetus weighs about 2.5 ounces and measures 4 inches—and baby's proportions are becoming even more normal, since their legs now outmeasure their arms.

15 weeks pregnant is how many months?

When you're 15 weeks pregnant, you're three months pregnant. Keep in mind that pregnancy is 40 weeks long, though, meaning pregnancy is actually a bit longer than nine months—that’s why doctors track pregnancy by week, not month.

15 week ultrasound

If you’ve chosen to do a Multiple Marker Screen (MMS, a.k.a. Triple or Quad Screen Test), you’ll have blood drawn between week 15 pregnancy and week 20. This screening measures levels of certain proteins and hormones in a mom-to-be’s blood to give her an assessment of baby’s risk of neural tube defects and chromosomal abnormalities.

Amniocentesis is another elective test—it usually happens between weeks 15 and 20. This invasive test can diagnose neural tube defects, chromosomal abnormalities and other genetic disorders. It’s considered safe overall but does pose some risks, so talk it over with your doctor to decide whether or not you’ll have the procedure. You may choose an amnio if you have an abnormal triple or quad test or if baby has a higher risk of genetic abnormalities.

For the amnio, the doctor will use the ultrasound to see inside your 15-week pregnant belly and will guide a needle into the amniotic sac to gather a sample of fluid to be tested. All these tests can be stressful; in between, find some time to pamper yourself. You deserve it!

Can you find out baby’s sex at 15 weeks pregnant?

It’s a little too early to learn whether you’re having a boy or girl from a 15-week ultrasound—you’ll get a much more definitive answer between 18 and 22 weeks. But if you decide to get an amnio test, you can find out baby’s sex as part of the results.


Pregnancy Symptoms at Week 15

Are your 15 weeks pregnant symptoms hot…or not? Here’s a bit of what you might be experiencing, from sexy (increased libido) to not-so-sexy (nosebleeds and stomach issues) at week 15 pregnancy.

Increased sex drive

Now that your energy is back, you may be feeling more energetic in the bedroom as well. Of course, with all the other 15 weeks pregnant symptoms you may be feeling, if you’re not up to sex, it’s completely understandable.


This not-so-lovely symptom is thanks to a combination of increased blood volume and sensitive nasal passages. It’s more inconvenient than anything; nosebleeds are usually harmless, but if it seems very heavy, call your doctor.

Heartburn, gas and/or indigestion

Blame these tummy troubles on the hormones. Pay attention to foods that are triggering your symptoms and try to avoid them. Also, talk to your doctor about what stomach remedies are safe. Stock up on some pregnancy-safe antacids, which are doubly awesome because they have lots of much-needed calcium!

Swollen gums

Your gums are more sensitive now that you’re pregnant. Take extra good care of them. Brush your teeth often and floss gently. Continue regular dental visits.

Shortness of breath

Notice that you’re easily winded? Let’s face it: It’s getting more crowded in your torso. That means it might be trickier for your lungs to expand enough to get a full breath.

If you’re 15 weeks pregnant with twins, your symptoms probably aren’t much different than they would be for a mom carrying one baby at 15 weeks. However, because higher hormone levels in trimester one may have made you more likely to have morning sickness, you may still be having bouts of nausea, which should begin to lessen soon. Let your OB know if you have any severe or concerning symptoms.

How should I feel at 15 weeks pregnant?

Wondering what you should be feeling at 15 weeks pregnant? You’re probably feeling great! If you’ve been physically active and eating healthy, nutritious food, that goes a long way toward boosting your mood and energy and maintaining a healthy weight gain. While you may experience some of the common 15 weeks pregnant symptoms, you are also at a point where you may be ready to tackle all the tasks ahead of you to prepare for baby. Getting maternity clothes, putting together your baby registry, planning the nursery—enjoy this incredibly special time of anticipation!

Your Pregnant Belly at 15 Weeks

Your 15 weeks pregnant belly is making a big transition. During the first trimester, your uterus still fit nicely inside your pelvis. But now, it’s stretching to accommodate your growing baby and will soon outgrow your pelvis and sit higher up in your belly. Every mom-to-be’s body is different, and the rate of growth can vary slightly. That’s why at week 15 of pregnancy, it’s completely normal to not show much, or have an obvious baby bump. For example, a 15 weeks pregnant belly for a first pregnancy could take a little longer to begin to stick out. For the second pregnancy and beyond, the uterus has already been stretched, so you might have a bump a little earlier in repeat pregnancies.

If you’re 15 weeks pregnant with twins, things are probably stretching out at a faster rate, and you’re likely showing by now.

Recommended 15 weeks pregnant weight gain is about around one pound per week if you weren’t overweight before pregnancy, so continue to eat about 300 extra calories per day—and try to make them healthy calories whenever possible. If you notice drastic or sudden weight gain, notify your doctor right away. This could be a sign of a serious pregnancy condition called preeclampsia.

Can you feel baby at 15 weeks?

Did you just feel a poke in your belly? It could be an early greeting from baby! First-time moms may be more likely to experience this a bit later in pregnancy, between 16 and 22 weeks, but others (including women who have been pregnant before) may feel some early movement as early as 13 weeks pregnant. Even if you haven’t felt baby yet, you’ll probably see them wriggling around at your next ultrasound!

Your body is working hard to create life, and it should be cherished and nurtured during this time. One of the best ways to do this is to incorporate a few minutes of gentle yoga and mindfulness into your day to nourish your body and quiet your mind. Slow down and find your center with a child's pose, or open your aching hips with a butterfly pose.

Founder of Yoga for You

Tips for 15 Weeks Pregnant

Time to get your priorities in order. Your health and wellness matter most. Here’s what you can do to feel your best.

Schedule a dental checkup

If your gums are bleeding, or if your teeth feel loose due to hormone fluctuations, it’s a good idea to see your dentist. Schedule a checkup during this trimester if you have any concerns.

Rest when you can

Sure, you’re bursting with energy now, but don’t overdo it. Kicking your feet up or taking a nap helps with things like headaches, which can be common at 15 weeks pregnant, back aches and overworked joints and muscles.

Pick a side

Speaking of rest…at 15 weeks, baby’s getting big enough to put pressure on your inferior vena cava blood vessel when you’re on your back. To prevent blood flow problems, you’ll want to start sleeping on your side (preferably the left for better blood circulation). A pregnancy pillow can help you find the comfiest position so you get your much-needed ZZZ’s.

Look into childbirth classes

You have a lot to do to get ready for baby’s birth day, and the second trimester will fly by as you try to get all your to-do’s done. Take the time now to explore options for childbirth classes and sign up for one that’s the best fit for your labor and delivery goals.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the best ways to relieve heartburn during pregnancy?

Heartburn, or acid reflux, is an unfortunate but common symptom of pregnancy. You can thank progesterone for this symptom, because it relaxes your esophagus, allowing food mixed with digestive enzymes to travel back up and cause a burning sensation. During pregnancy, you can relieve it by sitting upright for at least two hours after a meal, avoiding caffeine, staying away from acidic fruits and juices, eating several small meals/snacks rather than large meals and forgoing big meals right before bed. Also, several over-the-counter medications are considered safe to use during pregnancy (but ask your provider before taking anything, just to be safe).

When will I feel baby move?

You’re probably more than ready to feel that first little kick, and it’ll be here before you know it. Typically, pregnant people start feeling baby move between weeks 16 and 20. When exactly it happens will depend on if you’ve had a baby before (as your uterine muscles may be more relaxed and you already know what the sensation feels like), how active baby is, your BMI and the location of your placenta. (It can be harder to feel movement if you have an anterior placenta)

How will I know if I need to have an amniocentesis?

An amniocentesis tests for chromosomal, genetic and congenital conditions. This is not something that’s performed on every mom-to-be, and there are usually indicators that lead a doctor to suggest it. You can expect your provider to discuss this possibility with you if you’ve had an abnormal fetal ultrasound, if earlier prenatal screening tests have come back with abnormal results or if you’re of advanced maternal age (35 or older).

When does pregnancy brain start?

Pregnancy brain happens due to a combination of changing hormones and a general shift in priorities in a pregnant person’s life (suddenly a lot of your mental energy is being spent on worrying about baby, tracking prenatal appointments, creating a registry, planning a nursery, etc.), so it can start at any point in pregnancy. Some typical symptoms of pregnancy brain include absentmindedness, memory problems and poor concentration. These symptoms can also become worse if you’re struggling with things like sleep deprivation or stress (which are both common during pregnancy).

Is eye twitching during pregnancy normal?

Eye twitching occurs outside of pregnancy, and is perfectly normal during pregnancy as well. Typically, it’s nothing to worry about, however since it’s caused by things like stress and fatigue, you can potentially prevent further twitching by getting rest, reducing caffeine consumption and eliminating as much stress as possible. Additionally, taking prenatal vitamins and staying hydrated can help your general health, which is important for your overall well-being.

My husband and I chose not to find out the sex of our baby. There aren't many good surprises in life, and this was one surprise that we knew we'd be excited about either way. After 40 weeks of wondering, it was such a special moment when my husband announced that it was a boy!

Laura B., mom of one

Please note: The Bump and the materials and information it contains are not intended to, and do not constitute, medical or other health advice or diagnosis and should not be used as such. You should always consult with a qualified physician or health professional about your specific circumstances.


Akron Children’s, Pregnancy brain: Is that a real thing?, June 2022

American Pregnancy Association, Fatigue During Pregnancy

American Pregnancy Association, Pregnancy Nutrition

Johns Hopkins Medicine, The Second Trimester

American Pregnancy Association, 14 Weeks Pregnant

Nemours KidsHealth, Prenatal Test: Multiple Marker Test, August 2018

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Is it Safe to Have Sex During Pregnancy?, February 2021

Cleveland Clinic, Sex During Pregnancy: Your Questions Answered, April 2020

Cleveland Clinic, Fetal Development, March 2023

American Pregnancy Association, 15 Weeks Pregnant

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, How Your Fetus Grows During Pregnancy, December 2021

Johns Hopkins Medicine, Amniocentesis

Cleveland Clinic, Amniocentesis, April 2022

Cleveland Clinic, 20-Week Ultrasound (Anatomy Scan), April 2022

Mount Sinai, Amniocentesis, July 2021

Cleveland Clinic, Nosebleeds While Pregnant, February 2022

University of Rochester Medical Center, Pregnancy: How Your Digestion Changes

American Pregnancy Association, TUMS During Pregnancy

Cleveland Clinic, Pregnancy Gingivitis, March 2022

Harvard Health Publishing, Shortness of Breath in Pregnancy

American Pregnancy Association, Multiple Pregnancy: Twins, Triplets, and More

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, How Much Weight Should I Gain During Pregnancy?, August 2021

Mayo Clinic, Preeclampsia, April 2022

Cleveland Clinic, Quickening in Pregnancy, April 2022

American Pregnancy Association, Pregnancy and Dental Work

DHHS Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Management of Primary Headache During Pregnancy, November 2019

Cleveland Clinic, Pregnancy Discomforts: Back Pain, Round Ligament Pain, Nausea, May 2020

Cleveland Clinic, Quickening in Pregnancy, April 2022

Cleveland Clinic, Amniocentesis, April 2022

Cleveland Clinic, Fetal Development, March 2024

Nationwide Children’s, How to Avoid Heartburn During Pregnancy, April 2016

NHS, Week 15

Sleep Foundation, Pregnancy and Sleep, March 2023

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