
11 Moms-to-Be Share What They Did With Their Positive Pregnancy Tests

The results are in, and you’re pregnant! Yipee! Now what do you do with the pregnancy test? These women dish on what they did with theirs.
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profile picture of Ashlee Neuman
By Ashlee Neuman, Content Director
Updated March 9, 2020
happy couple looking at positive pregnancy test
Image: iStock

It’s such a little thing—a few inches long, a sliver wide and light as a feather. But when that home pregnancy test turns positive, it sure brings on some big emotions. Maybe you squeal with joy, catch your breath, do a dance, shed tears of happiness or rush to show your special someone. But after that life-changing moment, what do you do with your positive pregnancy test? Do you chuck it in the trash, or preserve the memory in some meaningful way? Here, Bumpies share what they did with their pregnancy tests after the big reveal.

Gift Wrapped
“I saved three different positive tests, wrapped them up with pretty wrapping, put them in a box and shipped to each of my sisters. At the bottom of each box I wrote a letter (for them to find after they picked up the goods): “Good news, you’re going to be an auntie! Bad news, I peed on this.” -@kopsafeel

Sitting Pretty
“My pregnancy test said positive three months ago, and it’s been awkwardly sitting on the bathroom sink ever since. Makes me smile every time I see it, though!” -@mandelsdandels

Bag It
“I currently have my pregnancy test in a plastic baggy, but I took pictures of them for my baby book.” -@roesayallday

Snap and Toss
“My husband and I took a bunch of photos of us holding the positive pregnancy test with goofy grins on our faces. Then we threw it out. What were we going to do with a piece of plastic? We had the photos—and my growing bump—to remind us.” -@viewfindrs

Tucked Away
“My son is almost a year and I have three positive pregnancy tests in my nightstand still! Seems weird to throw them away.” -@margoasfox

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Close to the Chest
“I took a photo of it on the day we did the test, with the intention of throwing it away. Two years and five months later, it’s still in its box in the top drawer of my chest drawers.” -@shameemammy

“We left the first pregnancy test out and decided to do the second the next morning and got the same thing: two lines. My husband kept them and once we started getting ultrasounds he bought a frame and put the ultrasounds and the pregnancy tests in there. Now it hangs in our son’s room.” -@my_lil_mateo

“I drew out the moment. After I peed, I walked out and shared the news with my husband. I took a picture and then, in the sleepless excitement that follows, I doodled it out and used it to announce my pregnancy to friends and family.” -@sasievani

Preserved Memories
“I saved my pregnancy tests—they’re in my daughters’ memory shadow boxes with their other hospital things like their hats, medical bracelets, etc.” -@daniellepaschka

Pocketed for Proof
“I simply just put it in a Ziploc bag and kept it in my purse. My husband thought it was weird but I was going to so many doctor’s appointments and it was like a keepsake for a while! It was my first baby and my first positive pregnancy test. We weren’t expecting it as it wasn’t planned, but we were totally ready and I was clearly excited. Maybe it was a little bit crazy to keep it with me—the doctors were like, ‘you don’t have to show that to us, you can throw it away.’” -@hoangviton

Back in the Box
“I put the cap back on and put it back in the original box. It’s still under my sink in my bathroom with the date written on it in Sharpie.” -@sorryimnotzari

Published January 2018

Please note: The Bump and the materials and information it contains are not intended to, and do not constitute, medical or other health advice or diagnosis and should not be used as such. You should always consult with a qualified physician or health professional about your specific circumstances.

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