
Fashion for Moms-to-Be: 3 Maternity Services You’ll Love

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profile picture of Emily Windram
By Emily Windram, Intern
Updated March 2, 2017
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Image: Stitch Fix

“When you look good, you feel good.” You’ve probably heard the old adage a hundred times — even supermodel mom Molly Sims  swears by it — but when you no longer fit into 90 percent of your old clothing, it can seem impossible to achieve either of those things. Luckily, a few awesome brands offer chic, comfortable maternity collections that don’t break the bank. Time to take on your new baby body in style!

Image: Stitch Fix Blog

An online personal styling service, Stitch Fix just announced it’s expanding into styling services specifically for pregnant women. Stitch Fix founder and CEO Katrina Lake explained that "at any given time, up to three percent of our clients are seeking maternity-friendly items” — that’s a lot of pregnant fashionistas. No matter your size (or trimester), you can create a personal style profile on the site, get access to personal stylists and find the outfits (or accessories) that fit you best. For some general fashion advice, check out their recent blog posts about  early stage and later stage maternity style.

Image: Moxie Jean

Moxie Jean, a resale site for babies’ and children’s clothes, is now a one-stop shop for moms and babies alike. With the release of their new maternity collection, the site offers brands from the more practical (like Old Navy or the Gap) to the splurge-worthy (like Isabella Oliver). "It’s frustrating to spend a lot of money on something you know you may only wear a few times. Moxie Jean allows your dollar to stretch further,” said Sharon Schneider, the CEO of Moxie Jean. In addition to buying pieces from the collection, you can sell your own maternity clothes to the site after baby is born.

Image: Thredup

Another source for “like-new” clothes, thredUP has a gorgeous maternity collection for super reasonable prices. Money-saving moms will love the daily discounts on maternity brands across the board (including Bumpie faves like A Pea in the Pod). ThredUP’s about page explains that the site lets you “refresh your entire wardrobe online without ever leaving your house” — we’re officially sold.

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